原帖由 MP443 於 2009-5-17 23:56 發表 1 J+ l, K6 C0 n, A8 A
0 q! d3 p5 _6 q4 C/ r
學弟比較好奇的是,當時發生電擊昏倒後,你還有在意識上看見什麼嗎?( g% p1 W; Z. E7 o2 K0 @9 ~5 y$ S
學弟我因為經歷過車禍,昏迷近1星期後才醒來,所以想知道人在近死亡邊緣時,所遇到的會不會相同?- k. ]3 `( l0 }6 r
因為學弟我從那次後,也不知怎麼回事常會看見那"東西"? ) ]9 u5 g' f, P' i
& K( @3 t& c) r! K$ v( E" Z
z& a, ^3 P# U, c1 H" D學長好~; `+ d5 w* N# b+ z
學長所提到「人在近死亡邊緣時,所遇到的會不會相同?」也是小弟的疑惑," m. w3 C: u2 h* H$ s; g
結果小弟剛剛求助了google大神和wikipedia女神,發現原來早有人做過一些研究。* v j8 H5 P g& F8 p
這些研究多在紀錄瀕死之人在被搶救成功後描述他們在瀕死期間的「感受」,& P1 C' P7 v& l( c* G6 c7 w0 z6 P
稱為瀕死體驗「Near Death Experience, NDE」。
: `1 l- q4 q$ `
' L& o- K* h- \- W' e$ k! Z! S: zhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near-death_experience; f4 t" D- @* ~1 [/ A
根據google and wikipedia的資料,人在近死亡邊緣時,所遇到的情境有許多相似之處,亦即NDE大抵不脫下列情境:
( B3 ^0 J1 u1 K% o& r& a7 j1. A very unpleasant sound/noise is the first sensory impression to be noticed
" e9 k7 R' M- X- R2. A sense of being dead; ; m# h2 w" I- v" C" @1 a u( }- v. q
3. Pleasant emotions; calmness and serenity;
. Y6 V q v2 d" R4. An out-of-body experience; a sensation of floating above one's own body and seeing the surrounding area;
; \" s9 }, `+ W1 ?" x/ [; }+ W5. Floating up a blue tunnel with a strong, bright light or garden at the end;
' B; v+ d% ]% i: x+ ^+ t6. Meeting deceased relatives or spiritual figures;
# D! J2 t0 V9 V0 g2 P. `) n: E. ?8 P7. Encountering a being of light, or a light (often interpreted as being the deity or deities they personally believe in);
4 c- l$ O8 O5 R8. Being given a life review (the "life-flashing-before-your-eyes" phenomenon); 1 d Q9 [! w- ]) Y0 u
9. Reaching a border or boundary; $ K" m* C% h! v. ]/ C' W( G
10. A feeling of being returned to the body, often accompanied by a reluctance. , v( g3 k T; U9 p. L
11. Feeling of warmth even though naked. : R( u+ o$ t' `. f9 P* P) x1 T
+ x2 w) F& L4 }8 T( [0 c. d另一方面,Kenneth Ring也曾試圖將NDE分成5個階段: 8 d; v! J6 x6 A ]' C' g
1. feelings of peace and contentment;
; K. w; o& N8 z1 w+ c2. a sense of detachment from the body;
/ c- s5 [5 n1 n6 f% m0 d3 o8 N3. entering a transitional world of darkness (rapid movements through tunnels: 'the tunnel experience');9 W D% W+ E) U4 G
4. emerging into bright light; and 1 T. s$ @) N" u' z8 q
5. 'entering the light'. " O. M- f" c4 N* `: u
在他的調查中顯示約有6成的人只經歷第一階段,只有1成的人可以經歷到第五階段。$ P+ g* `! w6 x- @
4 C4 M2 ~2 o; e! T
& \5 `: h6 W6 @, z. d9 PBruce Greyson, Kenneth Ring, and Michael Sabom等人試圖改變此一現象。
/ c, _* ~! [: ]* P' ^! `- A他們或是發表Weighted Core Experience Index試著為NDE作深度上分類,
) |& l, L) E- d* b或是發表Greyson near-death experience scale作為區分真假或典型NDE。6 R) E' `8 @& e
另外居然也有雜誌專門討論此一現象。6 d9 k8 `; o* H" H4 f& K
1 F" q4 `1 E8 N4 R% k
, X& q7 V G! x2 y根據wikipedia,一篇較客觀性的研究被發表在2001年的Lancet雜誌。) S. J* b9 D) m0 I# x0 E
& v2 g. I. G& v. M" S( w% mhttp://profezie3m.altervista.org/archivio/TheLancet_NDE.htm* ?! s. q5 R6 l0 v
其約略的中文翻譯可在下列網址找到:1 E, d. T0 X1 Z, Z" \& C2 E
4 N4 Z, U1 e. H1 P5 v, t2 Y( I裡面有些疑點也一直是小弟的疑問,例如:. y# e) r8 J5 a2 ]6 Z9 |
當一個人的腦電波顯示直線的時候,人怎麼可以在身體之外有清醒的意識?: C' t7 C( o/ y( a( F
; c; C. U; n# _! c6 W回到學長您的問題,「人在近死亡邊緣時,所遇到的會不會相同?」3 X7 I" y) q" D: R* n
這個答案由NDE來看似乎是相同的。看來這些現象真是不分古今中外啊。 V7 d' A3 u* S
+ J4 j( l- o) r; O2 r. {1 t& q! ^
.' m& \2 A8 I+ v2 J7 @9 [) g
+ O+ x" `3 v! L( x[ 本帖最後由 IE 於 2009-5-18 03:53 編輯 ] |